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The Age of Exploration: Christopher Columbus

Other Explorers of the Age of Exploration

Explorers of the Age of Exploration

While Christopher Columbus is often considered the most famous explorer of the Age of Exploration, there were many others who ventured into uncharted territories and made significant contributions to world history. These explorers were motivated by a variety of factors, including the desire for wealth and power, the spread of Christianity, and the search for new trade routes.

Vasco da Gama

One of the most well-known explorers of the Age of Exploration is Vasco da Gama. In 1497-1498, he led an expedition around the southern tip of Africa and established a sea route from Europe to Asia. This opened up new trade opportunities and helped to establish Portugal as a major world power.

Ferdinand Magellan

Another important explorer was Ferdinand Magellan, who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. While Magellan did not survive the journey, his crew completed the voyage and proved that the world was round. This discovery had significant implications for navigation and geography.

Other Notable Explorers

Other notable explorers of the Age of Exploration include:

  • Hernán Cortés, who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico
  • Francisco Pizarro, who conquered the Inca Empire in Peru
  • Samuel de Champlain, who founded the city of Quebec and explored the Great Lakes region of North America.

Each of these explorers made important contributions to the history of their respective regions and helped to shape the world as we know it today.

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The Impact of Columbus's Voyages on the New World and Europe

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Legacy of the Age of Exploration

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