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Understanding AI Bias

Introduction to AI Bias

AI Bias

AI bias refers to the impact of systemic and systematic errors in machine learning models that can result in unfair or unjust outcomes. Bias can occur in AI systems because of a variety of reasons such as the quality of data used to train the model, the algorithms used for decision-making, and the lack of diversity in the design team.

Facial Recognition Technology

One example of AI bias is in facial recognition technology. Recently, it was found that facial recognition technology misidentified people of color, particularly women, at a higher rate than white men. This is because the training data used to teach the AI system was predominantly white and male, which resulted in the algorithm being less accurate when identifying non-white and non-male faces.

Predictive Policing

Another example of AI bias is in predictive policing. Predictive policing is an AI system used by law enforcement agencies that seeks to predict where crimes are most likely to occur. However, the system can be biased if the data used to train it is based on past policing practices that have been shown to be discriminatory.

Mitigating AI Bias

To mitigate AI bias, researchers and developers must:

  • Ensure that the training data used to teach the AI system is diverse and representative of the population.
  • Use algorithms that are transparent and explainable so that the decision-making process is clear and can be audited.
  • Have a diverse and inclusive design team so that different perspectives can be considered when developing the AI system.
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