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Applied Game Theory in Politics

International Relations

International Relations and Game Theory

International Relations is an area of study that focuses on the interactions between nations and how they affect global politics. Game theory is a valuable tool for analyzing international relations, as it allows us to model the behavior of different nations and predict the outcomes of their interactions. In this lesson, we will explore some key concepts of international relations and how game theory can be applied to them.


One of the most important concepts in international relations is the idea of deterrence. Deterrence is the use of threats to prevent an adversary from taking an action. Game theory can help us understand deterrence by modeling the interactions between two nations as a game. The classic example of this is the Prisoner's Dilemma, where two prisoners are faced with the choice of either cooperating with each other or betraying each other. In the context of international relations, the prisoners represent two nations, and the outcome of their decision can have serious consequences for global security.


Another important concept in international relations is cooperation. When nations cooperate, they can achieve more than they would be able to achieve on their own. However, cooperation can be difficult to achieve, as nations may not trust each other or may have conflicting interests. Game theory can help us understand when and why nations might choose to cooperate. For example, in the game of Chicken, two drivers are racing towards each other, and the first one to swerve loses. In the context of international relations, this game can be used to model the behavior of two nations trying to avoid a conflict.

Balance of Power

A third concept in international relations is the balance of power. The balance of power refers to the distribution of power among nations, and how this affects global politics. Game theory can help us understand how nations might respond to changes in the balance of power. For example, in the game of Stag Hunt, two hunters can either choose to hunt a stag together or hunt a hare on their own. If they both choose to hunt the stag, they will both be better off. However, if one chooses to hunt the hare, they will be better off, while the other will be worse off. This game can be used to model the behavior of nations in a situation where they have to choose between cooperating with each other or pursuing their own interests.

Non-State Actors

Finally, game theory can also be used to analyze the behavior of non-state actors, such as terrorist organizations or multinational corporations. These actors can have a significant impact on global politics, and understanding their behavior is crucial for maintaining global security.

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