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Applied Game Theory in Politics

The Battle of the Sexes

The Battle of the Sexes

The Battle of the Sexes is a classic two-player game in game theory, often used to model situations where two players have different preferences but still need to coordinate their actions. The game is named after a hypothetical situation where a couple wants to go out for the evening but can't decide whether to go to a football game or to the opera. The man prefers the football game while the woman prefers the opera, but both of them would rather go together than alone.

Game Mechanics

In the game, both players simultaneously choose a location (football game or opera). If they both choose the same location, they receive a payoff of 3 (they are both happy). If they choose different locations, they receive a payoff of 1 (they are both unhappy).

Coordination Game

The Battle of the Sexes is a coordination game because the players need to coordinate their actions to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome. However, unlike in the Prisoner's Dilemma, there is no dominant strategy for either player. This means that the players have to guess what the other player is going to do and then choose the same location.

Solving the Game

There are several ways to solve the Battle of the Sexes game, one of which is called the focal point solution. In this solution, players choose the location that they think is the most salient or obvious. In the case of the football game and the opera, the most salient location might be the one that is more popular in their city or culture. Another solution is to use a signaling game, where one player sends a signal to the other player indicating which location they want to go to.

Political Example

An example of the Battle of the Sexes in politics could be two political parties trying to decide on a policy issue. They both want to achieve the same goal, but one party prefers one approach while the other party prefers a different approach. They need to coordinate their actions to achieve the goal, but there is no dominant strategy for either party. The parties might use the focal point solution by choosing the approach that is more popular with their constituents or by using signaling to indicate their preferences.

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