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Art Movements Throughout History



Impressionism was an art movement that flourished in France in the late 19th century. It marked a departure from traditional, realistic styles and embraced a more subjective and emotional approach to painting. Impressionist artists sought to capture the fleeting and ephemeral qualities of light and atmosphere, often painting outdoors and en plein air.

Famous Impressionist Painters

One of the most famous Impressionist painters was Claude Monet. His series of paintings of water lilies, haystacks, and the Rouen Cathedral are some of the most recognizable and celebrated works of the movement. Other notable Impressionist artists include Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas, and Camille Pissarro.

Characteristics of Impressionist Paintings

Impressionist paintings are characterized by their loose brushwork, bright colors, and emphasis on capturing a momentary impression rather than a precise representation. They often depict everyday scenes, such as cafes, gardens, and parks, and sought to capture the beauty and vitality of modern life.

Influence of Impressionism

Despite its initial rejection by the art establishment, Impressionism went on to influence many other art movements, including Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, and even Abstract Expressionism.

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