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The Art of Animation

Stop Motion Animation

Stop Motion Animation

Stop motion animation is a technique that involves photographing objects in small increments and then playing them back in sequence, creating the illusion of movement. Unlike traditional forms of animation, which involve drawing or painting individual frames, stop motion animation involves physically manipulating objects to create movement.

Early Examples

One of the earliest examples of stop motion animation is The Humpty Dumpty Circus, which was created in 1898. In this film, tiny circus performers were manipulated by hand and photographed one frame at a time. Since then, stop motion animation has been used in a variety of ways, from feature films like Coraline and Wallace and Gromit to television commercials and music videos.


There are several different techniques used in stop motion animation, including:

  • Puppet animation
  • Claymation
  • Cutout animation

Puppet animation involves creating articulated puppets that can be moved and posed in small increments. Claymation involves using clay to create characters and sets, and then photographing them as they are manipulated. Cutout animation involves using flat, two-dimensional characters and objects that are moved in small increments.


Despite the variety of techniques used, the process of creating a stop motion animation is generally the same. First, the animator creates a storyboard or animatic to plan out the animation. Then, the characters and sets are built, and the animators begin photographing them in small increments, making small adjustments between each frame. Once all of the frames have been photographed, they are played back in sequence to create the final animation.

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