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The Art of Flirting

Mastering the Art of Eye Contact

Eye Contact for Flirting

Eye contact is an important aspect of flirting as it can help establish a connection and signal interest between two people. Mastering the art of eye contact is essential to becoming a successful flirt. When trying to make eye contact, it is important to be subtle and not too intense. Staring can be off-putting, so it is better to make brief eye contact and then look away. This shows that you are interested, but not overly so.

Timing is Key

Another important aspect of eye contact is the timing. You should wait for the right moment to make eye contact, such as when your crush is speaking or when you are sharing a joke. This helps to establish a connection and show that you are engaged in the conversation.

Mirroring Eye Contact

Lastly, mirroring your crush's eye contact can help establish a connection and show that you are interested in them. This means that you should try to match the length and intensity of their eye contact, without being too obvious. For example, if they make brief eye contact, you should do the same. If they hold eye contact for a longer period of time, you can do the same.

Practicing these techniques can help you master the art of eye contact and become a successful flirt.

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