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The Art of Selling

Negotiation and Closing Techniques

Negotiation and Closing Techniques

Negotiation and closing techniques are critical skills for any salesperson. Negotiation involves the process of reaching an agreement through compromise, while closing deals refers to the process of finalizing a sale. In this lesson, we will discuss some of the most effective negotiation and closing techniques.

Effective Negotiation Techniques

  • Focus on interests rather than positions
  • Use the power of silence

Focus on Interests Rather Than Positions

This means that instead of trying to convince the other party to accept your position, you should focus on understanding their interests and finding a solution that meets both parties' needs. For example, if a customer is hesitant to purchase a product due to its high price, a salesperson could focus on the product's high quality and long-lasting benefits instead of trying to convince the customer to accept the price.

Use the Power of Silence

This involves waiting for the other party to speak first and remaining silent until they do. This can be a powerful tool in negotiations, as the other party may reveal information or make concessions that they would not have otherwise.

Effective Closing Techniques

  • Assumptive close
  • Alternative close

Assumptive Close

This involves assuming that the customer has already made the decision to purchase the product and simply asking for the sale. For example, a salesperson could say, "When would you like to have this product delivered?"

Alternative Close

This involves presenting the customer with two options, both of which result in a sale. For example, a salesperson could say, "Would you like to purchase the product now with a 10% discount, or would you prefer to wait until next month when the price goes up?"

By employing these and other negotiation and closing techniques, salespeople can increase their effectiveness and close more deals.

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