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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with enabling computers to interpret and understand the visual world. This involves the use of algorithms and mathematical models to analyze images and videos, and to extract meaningful information from them. Computer vision is a rapidly growing field that has many applications in industry, healthcare, robotics, and more.

Facial Recognition Technology

One example of computer vision in action is facial recognition technology. This technology uses algorithms to analyze facial features and identify individuals. It can be used for security purposes, such as identifying potential criminals or detecting fraud in banking transactions.

Autonomous Vehicles

Another example is autonomous vehicles, which use computer vision to navigate and avoid obstacles.

Machine Learning Algorithms

Computer vision relies heavily on machine learning algorithms, particularly deep learning. Deep learning algorithms are neural networks that are able to learn and improve their performance over time. They are used to train computer vision models to recognize and analyze patterns in images and videos.


Overall, computer vision is a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize many industries. However, it also raises important ethical considerations, such as privacy concerns related to facial recognition technology. As computer vision continues to advance, it will be important to carefully consider these ethical implications.

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