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Augmented Reality for Retail

Augmented Reality for In-Store Navigation

AR in-store navigation

In-store navigation can be a frustrating experience for shoppers. Often, customers have trouble finding what they are looking for or even knowing where to look. Augmented reality (AR) can provide a solution to this problem by overlaying digital information onto the real-world environment. This information can include product locations, prices, and even customer reviews.

Hointer app

One example of AR in-store navigation is the Hointer app. Hointer allows customers to scan a QR code on an item they are interested in and then directs them to the item’s location. The app also provides information on the product, such as customer reviews and additional colors and sizes available. Additionally, the app can be used to check out, eliminating the need for customers to wait in long lines.

Lowe’s Vision app

Another example is the Lowe’s Vision app. This app uses AR to help customers navigate the store and find products on their shopping list. Customers can search for a product on the app, and it will provide a map of the store to guide them to the product’s location. The app also provides additional information about the product, such as reviews and instructions for installation.


One challenge with implementing AR in-store navigation is ensuring that the technology is user-friendly and easy to use. Customers may not want to download an app or use their phone while they shop. Retailers must find a way to make the technology seamless and integrated into the shopping experience.

Overall, AR in-store navigation has the potential to improve the shopping experience for customers by providing them with the information they need to find products and make informed purchasing decisions.

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