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Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: A Beginner's Guide

DAO Governance: Voting Mechanisms

Voting Mechanisms in DAO Governance

In a DAO, decision-making is often done through voting mechanisms. Members of the DAO can vote on proposals that are submitted to the network. The proposal with the most votes is typically the one that is implemented. There are several different types of voting mechanisms that can be used in DAO governance.

Simple Majority Vote

One common type of voting mechanism is a simple majority vote. In this type of vote, the proposal with the most votes wins, regardless of how close the vote is. This type of voting can be effective in situations where there are clear-cut choices and there is no need for compromise.

Supermajority Vote

Another type of voting mechanism is a supermajority vote. In this type of vote, a proposal must receive a certain percentage of the vote to be implemented. For example, a proposal may need to receive 75% of the vote to pass. This type of voting can be effective in situations where there are complex choices and compromise is necessary.

Quadratic Voting

DAOs can also use quadratic voting, which is a more complex voting mechanism that takes into account the intensity of a voter's preference. In quadratic voting, voters can allocate a certain number of voting tokens to different proposals. The number of tokens required to vote on a proposal increases quadratically with each additional token. This type of voting can be effective in situations where there are many different options and voters have strong preferences.


Finally, DAOs can use futarchy, which is a hybrid governance model that combines prediction markets with decision-making. In futarchy, voters use prediction markets to predict the outcome of different proposals. The proposal that is predicted to have the best outcome is then implemented. This type of voting can be effective in situations where there is a high degree of uncertainty about the outcome of different proposals.

Overall, there are many different types of voting mechanisms that can be used in DAO governance. The choice of mechanism will depend on the specific needs and goals of the DAO.

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