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Blockchain Supply Chain: Tracking and Transparency

Smart Contracts and their Role in Supply Chain Management

Smart Contracts in Blockchain Supply Chain Management

Smart contracts are one of the key elements of a blockchain supply chain management system. They are self-executing contracts that are programmed to perform certain actions when specific conditions are met. These contracts help to automate many of the processes involved in supply chain management and reduce the need for intermediaries.

Payment Release

For example, a smart contract can be used to automatically release payment to a supplier when a shipment is delivered and confirmed by the recipient. The contract will contain the terms of the agreement between the supplier and the purchaser, including the price, delivery date, and other relevant details. Once the shipment is received and confirmed, the contract will automatically release payment to the supplier.

Tracking of Goods

Smart contracts are also used to track the movement of goods throughout the supply chain. Each time a product changes hands, the transfer is recorded on the blockchain, creating an immutable record of the product's journey. This helps to increase transparency and accountability in the supply chain, as all parties can see where the product has been and who has handled it.

Reduction of Risk

In addition to automating processes and increasing transparency, smart contracts can also help to reduce the risk of fraud and errors in the supply chain. Because the terms of the contract are encoded in the blockchain, they cannot be altered without the agreement of all parties involved. This helps to prevent disputes and ensures that everyone is held accountable for their actions.

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