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Child Safety Course

Identifying and Preventing Common Household Hazards

Household Hazards

Household accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and death among young children. While it is impossible to eliminate all risks, there are steps that parents and caregivers can take to reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries. One of the most important steps is to identify and prevent common household hazards.

Electrical Hazards

Electrical hazards are one of the most common household hazards. Electrical outlets should be covered with safety plugs, and cords should be kept out of reach. Appliances should be unplugged when not in use, and any damaged cords or appliances should be repaired or replaced.


Falls are another common household hazard, especially for young children who are just learning to walk. Stairways should be gated, and handrails should be installed. Furniture and heavy objects should be secured to the wall to prevent them from falling over.


Poisoning is another common household hazard. Cleaning products, medications, and other toxic substances should be stored in a locked cabinet or out of reach of children. It is important to read labels and follow instructions carefully when using these products.

Burns and Scalds

Finally, burns and scalds are a common household hazard. Water heaters should be set to no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and hot liquids should be kept out of reach. Children should also be kept away from hot appliances, such as stovetops and ovens.

By taking steps to identify and prevent common household hazards, parents and caregivers can help keep children safe from accidents and injuries.

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