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Composition Basics

Introduction to Composition


Composition is the arrangement of elements in a work of art or design. This can include the placement of objects, shapes, colors, lines, and other visual elements. The purpose of composition is to create a visually appealing and meaningful work of art or design.

Visual Weight

When creating a composition, it is important to consider the visual weight of the elements. Visual weight refers to how much attention an element commands in the composition. Larger elements, brighter colors, and strong lines will have more visual weight than smaller elements, more muted colors, and weaker lines. Visual weight can be used to create balance or tension in a composition.

Negative Space

Another important consideration when creating a composition is the use of negative space. Negative space is the area around and between the elements in a composition. It can be used to create contrast, balance, and emphasis. Negative space can be just as important as the elements themselves.


Composition can be used to create a variety of effects. For example, symmetry can create a sense of balance and calmness, while asymmetry can create a sense of tension and excitement. Movement and flow can be created by using diagonal lines or arranging elements in a curved shape.

In summary, composition is the arrangement of visual elements in a work of art or design. It is important to consider the visual weight of the elements, the use of negative space, and the desired effect when creating a composition.

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