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Composition Basics

Composition in Graphic Design

Graphic Design Composition

Graphic design composition is all about arranging elements on a page to create an aesthetically pleasing and effective design. It involves using various design elements, such as color, typography, images, and negative space, to create a sense of hierarchy and balance on the page. In graphic design, composition is especially important because it can greatly impact the message that a design conveys. A well-composed design can help communicate a message clearly and effectively, while a poorly composed design can confuse or distract the viewer.

Principles of Composition

There are several key principles of composition that graphic designers should keep in mind when creating designs. One important principle is balance. A balanced design distributes elements evenly on the page, creating a sense of stability and order. Another principle is contrast, which involves using differences in color, size, or shape to create visual interest and draw the viewer's eye to specific elements on the page. Proximity is another important principle, which involves grouping related elements together to create a sense of unity and organization.


When it comes to graphic design, typography is one of the most important elements of composition. Choosing the right typeface, font size, and spacing can greatly impact the readability and overall feel of a design. In addition, images and negative space should be used strategically to create a sense of balance and hierarchy on the page.

Examples of Well-Composed Designs

Here are some examples of well-composed graphic designs:

Composition in Graphic Design example 1

Composition in Graphic Design example 2

Composition in Graphic Design example 3

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