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The Benefits of Cooking from Scratch

Saving Money by Cooking from Scratch

Cooking from Scratch to Save Money

Cooking from scratch can be an excellent way to save money on groceries. By purchasing raw ingredients and preparing them yourself, you can often buy the same amount of food for a fraction of the cost of pre-packaged or pre-prepared items. For example, a bag of dried beans costs less than a can of pre-cooked beans, and can be used to make multiple meals. Similarly, buying a whole chicken and breaking it down yourself can yield multiple servings of protein for a lower cost per serving than buying pre-packaged chicken breasts.

Reducing Food Waste

Another way cooking from scratch can save you money is by reducing food waste. When you buy pre-prepared items, you may end up with excess packaging or portions that you can't finish before they spoil. By cooking from scratch, you can control portion sizes and ensure that you use up all of your ingredients before they go bad. This can help you avoid throwing away food and wasting money.

Worth the Time and Effort

While cooking from scratch can require more time and effort than buying pre-packaged or processed foods, the financial savings can be worth it. By planning your meals carefully, buying ingredients in bulk, and investing in a few key cooking tools (such as a good knife, cutting board, and cookware), you can save money while also enjoying delicious, healthy meals.

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