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Creative Problem Solving

SCAMPER Technique

The SCAMPER technique is a powerful tool for Creative Problem Solving. It is an acronym that stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. This technique is used to generate new ideas by considering how an existing product, service or process might be improved. Each letter of the acronym prompts the user to ask a different type of question which leads to new perspectives and ideas.

SCAMPER Technique

  • Substitute: Ask yourself what can be substituted in the existing product/service/process. What can be replaced to create something new? What if you replace the traditional material with something else?

  • Combine: Ask yourself what new ideas emerge by combining the existing product/service/process with something else? What would happen if we combine two unrelated products or services?

  • Adapt: Ask yourself how can the existing product/service/process be adapted to a new situation? What would happen if we tried this approach in a different market?

  • Modify: Ask yourself how the existing product/service/process can be modified. What can be added or removed to make it better? How can we modify the design or packaging?

  • Put to another use: Ask yourself if the existing product/service/process can be used in a different way? What are the alternate uses of this product/service/process?

  • Eliminate: Ask yourself what can be eliminated from the existing product/service/process. What is not necessary? What can we do without?

  • Reverse: Ask yourself what would happen if we reverse the process? What if we start from the end instead of the beginning?

For example, let's consider a pen. If we use the SCAMPER technique on it:

  • Substitute: Instead of using ink, what if we use a laser pointer to write?

  • Combine: What if we combine a pen with a highlighter to create a multi-purpose writing tool?

  • Adapt: How can the pen be adapted for use by people with disabilities?

  • Modify: What if we make the pen refillable or add an eraser to it?

  • Put to another use: What if we use the pen to create a 3D drawing?

  • Eliminate: What if we eliminate the cap of the pen and make it retractable?

  • Reverse: What if we start with the ink and work our way backward to the tip of the pen?

The SCAMPER technique can be used in any industry and for any problem. This method helps to break down complex problems into manageable pieces and encourages the generation of new ideas that may not have been thought of otherwise.

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