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Cultural Customs to Know Before Traveling Abroad

Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette Customs for Traveling Abroad

When traveling abroad for business, it's important to be aware of the cultural customs surrounding business etiquette. These customs can vary greatly from country to country, and failure to adhere to them can lead to misunderstandings and lost business opportunities. In this lesson, we will explore some common business etiquette customs.

Asian Cultures

In many Asian cultures, it is customary to exchange business cards at the beginning of a meeting. When presenting your card, it is important to do so with both hands and to take a moment to study the other person's card before putting it away.

Latin American Cultures

In many Latin American cultures, business is conducted more informally than in the United States or Europe. Personal relationships are important, and it is common to spend time getting to know your business partner before getting down to business. It is also common to use titles and formal language when addressing business associates.

Middle Eastern Cultures

In the Middle East, business is often conducted over meals. It is important to wait for your host to initiate the discussion of business, and to avoid using your left hand for eating or passing items, as it is considered unclean.

European Cultures

In Europe, punctuality is highly valued. It is important to arrive on time for meetings and appointments, and to dress professionally. It is also important to use titles and formal language, especially when addressing someone older or more senior than you.

Understanding and adhering to these cultural customs can go a long way in building strong business relationships abroad. By showing respect for other cultures, you demonstrate your willingness to work together and your commitment to success.

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