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Cultural Customs to Know Before Traveling Abroad

Greeting Customs

Greeting Customs Around the World

Greeting customs vary widely across cultures, and it's important to understand the appropriate way to greet locals when traveling abroad. In some cultures, a handshake may be the norm, while in others it might be a bow or a kiss on the cheek. Here are a few examples of greeting customs in different parts of the world:

  • Japan: it's common to bow when greeting someone, with the depth of the bow depending on the person's status and the formality of the occasion. A slight bow is appropriate for casual greetings, while a deeper bow is required for more formal situations.

  • Middle Eastern countries: it's customary to greet someone with a handshake and then place your right hand over your heart as a sign of respect.

  • France and Italy: it's common to greet someone with a kiss on each cheek, even if you're meeting for the first time.

  • India: it's customary to greet someone with the traditional Namaste gesture, where you bring your palms together in front of your chest and bow your head slightly.

When traveling abroad, it's important to research the appropriate greeting customs for the country you'll be visiting. In some cases, it may be appropriate to greet someone in a more formal way than you're used to, while in other cases a more casual greeting may be appropriate. It's also important to pay attention to nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, to ensure that you're communicating respect and understanding.

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