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Introduction to Design Thinking

Testing and Feedback

Testing and Feedback

Testing and feedback are crucial components of the design thinking process. Once you have created a prototype, it's time to test it. Testing is the process of gathering feedback from users on your prototype. This feedback can be used to refine and improve the prototype before launching it.


Testing involves observing users as they interact with your prototype. You should ask users to perform tasks that you designed the prototype to handle. This will help you see if the prototype meets the needs of the users.


Feedback is the information that you receive from users about the prototype. Feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. Positive feedback tells you what parts of the prototype are working well. Negative feedback tells you what parts of the prototype need improvement. Neutral feedback tells you what parts of the prototype are not important to the user.

Analyzing Feedback

Once you have collected feedback, you should analyze it. Look for patterns in the feedback. If multiple users have the same issue with the prototype, then it's likely that this issue needs to be addressed. Use the feedback to refine and improve the prototype. Then, test it again.

Iterative Process

Testing and feedback should be an iterative process. You should test and get feedback, refine the prototype, and test again until you have a prototype that meets the needs of the users.

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