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Introduction to Design Thinking

Ideating Solutions

Ideating Solutions

Ideating Solutions is a core element of the Design Thinking process. It is the stage where you generate ideas and brainstorm solutions to the problem you have defined. This is an essential part of the process, as it allows you to identify the best possible solution to the problem.

Divergent Thinking

One way to approach ideation is to use a technique called "divergent thinking," which involves generating as many ideas as possible without censorship or judgment. This encourages creativity and allows for a wide range of solutions to be considered. Once you have a large pool of ideas, you then use "convergent thinking" to narrow down the list of ideas to the best ones.

Involving a Diverse Group

Another important aspect of ideation is to involve a diverse group of people in the process. This can include stakeholders, users, and other team members. Each person brings their own unique perspective and can contribute to the ideation process in a valuable way.

Tools and Techniques

To help with the ideation process, there are various tools and techniques that you can use. One popular tool is called "brainstorming," which involves generating a large number of ideas in a short amount of time. Another technique is called "mind mapping," which involves creating a visual diagram of ideas and how they are connected.

Overall, ideating solutions is a crucial step in the Design Thinking process. It allows for a wide range of solutions to be considered, encourages creativity, and involves a diverse group of people to ensure the best possible outcome.

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