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Docker Tutorial for Beginners

Docker Networking

Docker Networking

Docker containers can communicate with each other and the outside world through networking. Docker networking provides the ability to create virtual networks, attach containers to them, and connect them to each other. This allows containers to communicate with each other as if they were on the same physical network.

Types of Docker Networks:

  • Bridge: default network
  • Host: shares the host machine's network stack
  • Overlay: allows communication across multiple Docker hosts

To create a new network in Docker, you can use the docker network create command followed by the name of the network. For example, docker network create my-network will create a new network named my-network. Once the network is created, you can attach containers to it using the --network option when running the docker run command. For example, docker run --network my-network my-image will run the my-image container on the my-network network.

Docker also provides a DNS service that allows containers to resolve each other's IP addresses using their container names. For example, if you have two containers named web and db, you can use ping db from the web container to ping the db container's IP address.

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