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Exploring the Meaning of Life

Introduction to the Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life?

This age-old question has puzzled philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries. At its core, the question asks: what is the purpose of our existence? Is there a singular answer to this question, or is it subjective? Philosophers have put forth various theories and perspectives on the meaning of life, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

Theories on the meaning of life

  • Some philosophers argue that the meaning of life is tied to our relationship with a higher power or divine being.
  • Others, such as the existentialists, emphasize the importance of individual freedom and choice in creating meaning in life.
  • Still, others, such as the hedonists, argue that the meaning of life is rooted in pleasure and the pursuit of happiness.

Challenges of exploring the meaning of life

One challenge of exploring the meaning of life is that it is often difficult to separate our own personal biases and experiences from the subject matter. While there may not be a singular answer to the question of the meaning of life, by examining various perspectives and engaging in thoughtful reflection and discussion, we can develop a deeper understanding of our own values and beliefs.

Course objectives

In this course, we will explore various theories and perspectives on the meaning of life, and engage in exercises and discussions to help us reflect on our own values and beliefs.

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The Historical Context of the Meaning of Life

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