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Introduction to Field Programmable Gate Arrays

Verilog and VHDL

Verilog and VHDL

Verilog and VHDL are the two most common hardware description languages used to describe and design FPGAs. They are used to write code that specifies the behavior of digital circuits and the interconnections between them. The code is then synthesized into the configuration files that are loaded onto the FPGA.


Verilog was developed in the 1980s by Phil Moorby at Gateway Design Automation. It was later standardized by the IEEE and is now widely used in industry and academia. Verilog is a procedural language, meaning that it is based on a sequence of statements that are executed in a specific order. Verilog is known for its ease of use and is often used in the early stages of design.


VHDL, on the other hand, was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense in the 1980s and was later standardized by the IEEE. VHDL is a concurrent language, meaning that it is based on the concept of processes that execute concurrently. VHDL is often used in complex designs and is known for its powerful simulation capabilities.

Here is an example of a Verilog module that implements a 2-to-1 multiplexer:

module mux2to1 (input a, b, s, output y);
    assign y = (s == 1'b0) ? a : b;

And here is the same module implemented in VHDL:

entity mux2to1 is
    port (a, b: in std_logic;
          s: in std_logic;
          y: out std_logic);
end entity mux2to1;

architecture behavioral of mux2to1 is
    y <= a when s = '0' else b;
end architecture behavioral;
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