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Introduction to Government Systems

Types of Communism


Communism is a political ideology that aims to establish a classless society, where all property is owned by the community as a whole, rather than by individuals. There are several types of communism, each with its own interpretation of how to achieve this goal.

Marxist Communism

One of the most well-known forms of communism is Marxist communism, which is based on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxist communism argues that the only way to achieve a classless society is to overthrow capitalism through a revolution of the working class. After the revolution, the state will wither away, and the means of production will be controlled by the workers themselves.

Leninist Communism

Another type of communism is Leninist communism, which is based on the ideas of Vladimir Lenin. Lenin believed that it was necessary to have a vanguard party, made up of professional revolutionaries, to lead the working class in the revolution. After the revolution, the state would be controlled by the workers, with the vanguard party acting as a temporary intermediary.

Maoist Communism

Maoist communism is another form of communism, which is based on the ideas of Mao Zedong. Mao believed that the revolution should be led by the peasantry, rather than the working class. He also believed that the cultural revolution was necessary to prevent the emergence of a new bourgeoisie and to keep the revolution on track.

Anarchist Communism

Finally, there is also the idea of anarchist communism, which argues that the state is inherently oppressive and that a classless society can only be achieved through the abolition of the state altogether. Anarchist communism is often associated with the ideas of Mikhail Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin.

Each of these forms of communism has had a significant impact on world history, and they continue to influence political movements around the world today.

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