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The History of High Heels

Ancient Origins

History of High Heels

High heels have been a part of fashion for centuries and their origins can be traced back to ancient times.

Ancient Greece and Rome

In ancient Greece, actors in tragic plays would wear shoes with high wooden platforms called kothorni to make them appear taller and more imposing on stage. Similar platform shoes were also worn by ancient Roman actors and patricians.

Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, high heels were a symbol of social status and worn by both men and women. The higher the heel, the higher the status of the wearer. Egyptian butchers also wore high heels to avoid stepping in the blood of animals.


In Asia, high heels were used by the elite in ancient China and Japan. In China, high heels were worn by court dancers and were also used to indicate social status. In Japan, high wooden sandals called geta were worn by maiko, or apprentice geisha, to raise their height and protect their kimono from getting dirty.

Overall, high heels have been worn for centuries and were often associated with status, power, and performance.

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