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Introduction to Biodiversity

The Threats to Biodiversity

Biodiversity Threats

Biodiversity is under threat from a range of factors, some of which are natural, while others are caused by human activities. The most significant threats to biodiversity are:

  • Habitat loss and fragmentation
  • Climate change
  • Pollution
  • Invasive species
  • Overexploitation

Habitat loss and Fragmentation

Habitat loss and fragmentation occur when natural habitats are destroyed or reduced in size, forcing species to move or adapt to new conditions. This can lead to a loss of biodiversity, as species that are unable to adapt may become extinct. For example, deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is a significant threat to biodiversity, as it destroys the habitat of many plant and animal species.

Climate Change

Climate change is also a significant threat to biodiversity, as it alters the conditions under which species live. Rising temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events can all affect biodiversity. For example, coral reefs are highly sensitive to changes in temperature and acidity, and many are under threat from ocean warming and acidification.


Pollution can also have a significant impact on biodiversity, as it can contaminate habitats and affect the health of species. For example, water pollution from agricultural runoff can lead to algal blooms and oxygen depletion, which can harm fish and other aquatic species.

Invasive Species

Invasive species pose a threat to biodiversity by competing with native species for resources and altering ecosystems. For example, the introduction of the brown tree snake to Guam has had a devastating impact on native bird populations.


Overexploitation occurs when species are harvested or hunted at a rate that exceeds their ability to reproduce. This can lead to a decline in biodiversity, as species may become rare or extinct. For example, overfishing has led to the decline of many fish populations, including cod and tuna.

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The Benefits of Biodiversity

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Habitat Loss and Fragmentation

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