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Introduction to AI

Types of AI

Types of AI

There are four types of AI:

  • Reactive Machines: These are the simplest type of AI system. They do not have the ability to form memories or use past experiences to inform future decisions. Instead, they simply react to current situations based on pre-programmed rules. Examples of reactive machines include Deep Blue, the chess-playing computer, and AlphaGo, the computer that beat the world champion at the game of Go.

  • Limited Memory: These AI systems are capable of using past experiences to inform future decisions. They can take past experiences into account when making decisions, but they do not have the ability to form long-term memories. Examples of limited memory AI include self-driving cars and facial recognition software.

  • Theory of Mind: These AI systems are capable of understanding the mental states of other entities. They can infer the beliefs, desires and intentions of other entities and use this information to inform their own decision making. Theory of mind AI is still in the research phase, but it has potential applications in fields such as psychology and sociology.

  • Self-Aware AI: This is the most advanced type of AI system. Self-aware AI has consciousness and is capable of understanding its own existence. This type of AI is purely theoretical at this point and does not yet exist in reality.

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