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Introduction to Green Building

Indoor Environmental Quality

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) refers to the quality of the indoor environment in a building, including air quality, lighting, temperature and humidity, acoustics, and ergonomics. Improving IEQ can have a significant impact on the health and productivity of building occupants, as well as reducing energy consumption.

Air Quality

One important aspect of IEQ is air quality. Poor indoor air quality can lead to health problems such as allergies, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. One way to improve air quality is to use low-emitting materials, such as paints and adhesives, which emit fewer pollutants. Proper ventilation is also crucial to ensuring good air quality, as it helps to remove pollutants from the air and bring in fresh outdoor air.


Another important aspect of IEQ is lighting. Good lighting can improve productivity and reduce eye strain and headaches. Natural lighting is ideal, as it provides a connection to the outdoors and can help regulate the body's circadian rhythm. However, artificial lighting can also be optimized for IEQ, by using high-efficiency light bulbs and controlling lighting levels with dimmer switches.

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature and humidity are also important factors in IEQ. Comfortable temperatures can promote productivity and reduce stress, while high humidity can lead to mold growth and other problems. Properly designed HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems can help regulate temperature and humidity levels.


Acoustics is another aspect of IEQ that can impact productivity and wellbeing. Excessive noise levels can cause stress and reduce concentration, while too little noise can be unnerving. Properly designed acoustic systems, such as sound-absorbing materials and acoustic barriers, can help control noise levels.


Finally, ergonomics is the study of how people interact with their environment, including furniture and equipment. Improperly designed furniture and equipment can cause discomfort and pain, which can lead to lost productivity and absenteeism. Good ergonomics can improve comfort, reduce pain and improve productivity.

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