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Introduction to Kubernetes

Lesson 5: Scaling and Updating Applications on Kubernetes

One of the most important features of Kubernetes is the ability to scale and update applications. Kubernetes can automatically adjust the number of replicas of an application based on the current workload. This scaling can be done manually or automatically, depending on the configuration of the cluster.

To scale an application, you need to update its deployment configuration. You can either update the number of replicas manually, or you can set up an autoscaler that will adjust the number of replicas based on the current CPU or memory usage of the application.

Updating an application is also easy with Kubernetes. You can simply update the Docker image used by the deployment, and Kubernetes will automatically create new replicas with the updated image. If you need to change other aspects of the application, such as environment variables or command-line arguments, you can update the deployment configuration to reflect those changes.

When scaling and updating applications on Kubernetes, it's important to make sure your applications are designed to work well in a distributed environment. For example, if your application stores state on disk, you may need to consider using a distributed file system like HDFS or GlusterFS. Additionally, if your application uses a database, you may need to use a distributed database like Cassandra or CockroachDB to ensure data consistency and availability.

For further reading on scaling and updating applications on Kubernetes, check out the official Kubernetes documentation:




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