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Introduction to Sculpture

Carving a Relief Sculpture

Relief Sculpture

Relief sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork that projects from a flat surface. It is created by carving away areas of a material, usually stone or wood, leaving the desired image or form raised. Relief sculptures can be found in different styles and techniques. The most common relief sculpture techniques are high relief and low relief. High relief sculptures have a lot of depth, with the forms almost entirely detached from the background, while low relief sculptures are flatter, with forms that are only slightly raised from the surface.

Carving a Relief Sculpture

Carving a relief sculpture is a technical process that requires patience, skill, and attention to detail. The first step is to select a material and decide on the subject matter for the sculpture. The artist then draws the image onto the surface of the material and begins carving away the background material. The sculptor works from the background to the foreground, carving the details of the subject last. Relief sculpture can be created using traditional carving tools like chisels, hammers, and rasps, or with modern tools like rotary tools and pneumatic hammers.

Examples of Relief Sculpture

One of the most famous examples of relief sculpture is the Pergamon Altar in Berlin, Germany. The altar, which dates back to the 2nd century BCE, is a massive structure that stands over 35 feet tall and features intricate scenes from Greek mythology carved into its sides. Another famous example is the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. which features a 19-foot-tall statue of Abraham Lincoln seated inside a large stone chamber with relief sculptures of scenes from the Civil War carved into the walls.


When creating a relief sculpture, the artist must take into account the intended viewing angle of the sculpture. Because relief sculptures are often viewed from below, the artist must consider how the image will look when viewed from that angle. This can be achieved by adjusting the depth of the carving in different areas of the sculpture. Relief sculpture is a versatile art form that can be used to create a wide range of images and forms, from realistic portraits to abstract designs.

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