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The Role of Leadership

Different Leadership Styles

Leadership Styles

Leadership styles refer to the different approaches that leaders employ to interact with their subordinates, make decisions, and set goals. There are several leadership styles, including:

  • Autocratic
  • Democratic
  • Transformational
  • Laissez-faire


Autocratic leaders make decisions on their own without consulting their subordinates. They believe that their authority gives them the right to make decisions and expect their subordinates to follow their orders without question. This style can be effective in situations where quick decisions need to be made, but it can lead to resentment and low morale among subordinates.


Democratic leaders involve their subordinates in the decision-making process. They believe that participatory decision-making leads to better decisions, and that involving subordinates in the decision-making process increases their commitment to implementing decisions. This style can be effective in situations where subordinates have expertise that the leader lacks.


Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their subordinates to achieve their full potential. They are charismatic and have a vision that they communicate to their subordinates. They believe that their role is to develop their subordinates and help them reach their full potential. This style can be effective in situations where the leader needs to mobilize support for a new initiative or change.


Laissez-faire leaders delegate decision-making to their subordinates. They believe that their role is to provide guidance and resources, but that their subordinates should make decisions on their own. This style can be effective in situations where subordinates have expertise and experience that the leader lacks, but it can also lead to confusion and lack of direction.

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