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The Benefits of Meal Planning

Grocery Shopping for Meal Planning

Grocery Shopping for Meal Planning

When it comes to grocery shopping for meal planning, there are a few key things to keep in mind that can help you save time and money.

Make a List

First and foremost, make a list of the ingredients you need for the meals you've planned for the week. This will help you avoid aimless wandering in the store and prevent you from buying things you don't need.

Shop the Perimeter

Another helpful tip is to shop the perimeter of the store. This is where you'll find the fresh produce, meat, and dairy products that should make up the bulk of your meals. Avoid the center aisles, which are typically filled with processed and packaged foods that are often high in sugar, salt, and fat.

Buy Ingredients for Multiple Meals

Additionally, consider buying ingredients that can be used in multiple meals throughout the week. For example, if you plan to make a stir-fry one night, look for vegetables that can be used in a salad or roasted as a side dish on another night. This will help reduce food waste and save you money in the long run.

Mindful of Sales and Coupons

Finally, be mindful of sales and coupons that can help you save money on the ingredients you need. However, be careful not to buy things just because they're on sale. Stick to your list and only buy what you need for the week.

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