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Medieval Times: Knights and Castles

Training and Life of a Knight

The Life of a Knight

The life of a knight was one of discipline and hard work. Knights began their training at a young age, usually around seven years old. They would start off as a page, serving a knight and learning basic skills such as riding and hunting. At around the age of fourteen, they would become a squire, continuing their training by assisting a knight in battle and learning more advanced skills such as sword fighting and jousting.

Once a squire had proven himself, he could be knighted. This would usually happen around the age of twenty-one, although it could happen earlier or later depending on the individual.

The Code of Chivalry

Life as a knight was not all about fighting, however. Knights were expected to follow a strict code of chivalry, which included virtues such as bravery, loyalty, and honor. They were expected to treat women with respect and to protect the weak and defenseless.


Knights also had responsibilities beyond the battlefield. They were often called upon to act as judges or to perform other duties for their lord. They were also expected to provide for their own retainers and to be generous to those in need.

Overall, the life of a knight was one of duty and service. It required discipline, courage, and a commitment to upholding the ideals of chivalry.

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Armor and Weapons of Knights

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The Role of Knights in Medieval Society

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