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Meditation for Beginners

Posture and Breath in Meditation



In meditation, posture and breath are two key elements that help the practitioner to focus and remain in the present moment. The ideal meditation posture is one that is comfortable, stable, and upright, with the spine straight and the shoulders relaxed. A common posture is sitting cross-legged on a cushion or mat, with the hands resting on the knees or in the lap. It's important to find a posture that works for you and that you can maintain for the duration of your meditation session.


Breathing is another important aspect of meditation. The breath is used as an anchor to focus the mind and help the practitioner stay present. One common technique is to focus on the sensation of the breath as it enters and exits the nostrils. Another technique is to count the breaths, starting at one and counting up to ten, then starting again at one. If the mind wanders, gently bring the focus back to the breath.


In addition to maintaining proper posture and breath, it's important to approach meditation with a non-judgmental attitude. Don't worry if your mind wanders or if you feel uncomfortable at first. With practice, you will find that it becomes easier to maintain focus and stillness.

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