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The Making of a Movie Trailer

Delivering the Final Product

Delivering the Final Product

After completing all the necessary steps in creating a movie trailer, it is time to deliver the final product.

Exporting the Trailer

The first step in this process is to export the trailer. This involves selecting the appropriate file format and resolution. Typically, trailers are exported in high-quality formats such as ProRes, DNxHD, or H.264. The resolution of the trailer should be determined based on the intended delivery platform. For example, if the trailer is going to be viewed on a big screen, the resolution should be higher than if it is going to be viewed on a mobile device.

Delivering to the Appropriate Parties

Once the trailer is exported, it is time to deliver it to the appropriate parties. This could be the movie studio, a distributor, or a film festival. The delivery method will depend on the preferences of the recipient. Some may prefer a physical copy of the trailer while others may prefer a digital copy.

Ensuring Timely and Correct Delivery

It is important to ensure that the trailer is delivered on time and in the correct format. Late deliveries can cause a lot of headaches for the recipient and can damage the reputation of the trailer creators. It is also important to double-check that the trailer is the correct version and that it meets all of the recipient's requirements. This can help avoid any potential issues down the line.

Following Up with the Recipient

Finally, it is important to follow up with the recipient after delivery. This can help ensure that the trailer was received and that it meets their expectations. It can also help establish a relationship with the recipient which can be beneficial in future projects.

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