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The Making of a Movie Trailer

Identifying Key Scenes

Identifying Key Scenes

Identifying key scenes is a crucial step in the process of making a movie trailer. Key scenes are the moments in the film that have the most impact, whether it's visually, emotionally, or narratively. These scenes are the ones that will grab the audience's attention and make them want to see the movie. Identifying key scenes requires a deep understanding of the film and its themes, as well as a keen eye for what will resonate with audiences.

Looking for Moments of High Tension or Conflict

One way to identify key scenes is to look for moments of high tension or conflict. These scenes are often the most dramatic, and they are the ones that will stick in the audience's mind. For example, in the trailer for the movie Jaws, the key scene is the one where the shark attacks the swimmer. This scene is the most memorable and impactful moment in the film, and it's the one that the trailer focuses on.

Looking for Moments of Emotional Resonance

Another way to identify key scenes is to look for moments of emotional resonance. These scenes are the ones that will connect with the audience on a deeper level, whether it's through humor, sadness, or joy. For example, in the trailer for the movie Up, the key scene is the one where the main character reflects on his life with his wife. This scene is emotional and heartfelt, and it's the one that makes the audience care about the characters.

Identifying key scenes is not an exact science, and it requires a lot of trial and error. It's important to watch the film multiple times and experiment with different scenes to see what works best. It's also important to keep in mind the audience that the trailer is targeting, and to think about what will appeal to them. With practice and experience, identifying key scenes will become easier and more intuitive.

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