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Networking Skills

Maintaining and Nurturing Relationships

Maintaining and Nurturing Relationships

Building relationships is only half the battle, as maintaining and nurturing relationships over time is just as important. Consistently maintaining relationships requires a significant amount of effort, but it can lead to long-lasting connections that can be beneficial throughout your personal and professional life.

Communicate Consistently

One effective way to maintain relationships is to consistently communicate with your network. This can be done through various means, such as email, social media, and in-person meetings. It's essential to keep the conversation going, even if it's just a quick check-in to see how they're doing. By doing so, you demonstrate that you value their relationship and are willing to put in the time and effort to maintain it.

Offer Help and Support

Another effective way to nurture relationships is to offer your help and support when needed. If someone in your network is going through a difficult time or is undertaking a new project, offer your assistance in any way you can. By doing so, you demonstrate that you're invested in their success and that you're willing to help them achieve their goals. This can lead to a deeper level of trust and respect within your network.

Be Patient

Finally, it's essential to be patient when maintaining and nurturing relationships. It takes time to build strong connections, and the same is true for maintaining them. Be patient and consistent in your efforts, and over time, you'll reap the benefits of a strong and valuable professional network.

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