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Introduction to Neural Networks

Overfitting and Underfitting

Finding the Right Balance

When training a neural network, one of the biggest challenges is to find the right balance between underfitting and overfitting. Underfitting occurs when the model is too simple to capture the complexity of the data, resulting in poor performance on both the training and validation sets. Overfitting happens when the model is too complex, and it starts to memorize the training data instead of generalizing from it. This results in good performance on the training set, but poor performance on the validation set.

Techniques to Prevent Underfitting and Overfitting

To prevent underfitting, we need to increase the complexity of the model by adding more layers or neurons. To prevent overfitting, we need to use techniques like dropout, regularization, and early stopping.

  • Dropout randomly drops out some neurons during training to prevent them from co-adapting too much.
  • Regularization adds a penalty term to the loss function to prevent the weights from becoming too large.
  • Early stopping stops the training process when the performance on the validation set stops improving.

Examples of Overfitting

Here's an example of how overfitting can occur in a neural network: Let's say we're trying to train a model to recognize handwritten digits. If we have a small dataset, and we train our model for too many epochs, it may start to memorize the training set instead of generalizing from it. In this case, the model may perform well on the training set, but poorly on new, unseen data. We can prevent this by using techniques like early stopping, which stops the training process before the model starts to memorize the training set.

Another example of overfitting is when we have too many features in our dataset. This can cause the model to become too complex and start memorizing the training set. We can prevent this by using techniques like feature selection or dimensionality reduction to reduce the number of features in the dataset.

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