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Parent and Community Involvement

This course explores the benefits of involving parents and the wider community in education, and provides strategies for creating partnerships that support student learning and success.

10 Units

Unit 1

Understanding the Importance of Parent and Community Involvement

Unit 2

Barriers to Parent and Community Involvement

Unit 3

Effective Communication Strategies for Engaging Parents and the Community

Unit 4

Creating a Welcoming School Environment for Families and the Community

Unit 5

Identifying and Addressing the Diverse Needs of Families and the Community

Unit 6

Collaborating with Community Organizations and Local Businesses

Unit 7

Involving Parents and the Community in School Decision-Making Processes

Unit 8

Promoting Parent and Community Involvement in Student Learning and Success

Unit 9

Building and Sustaining Successful Partnerships with Parents and the Community

Unit 10

Evaluating and Improving Parent and Community Involvement Strategies

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