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Parenting Styles

The Permissive Parenting Style

Permissive Parenting Style

The permissive parenting style is characterized by a low level of demand and high level of responsiveness. Permissive parents are very nurturing and loving towards their children, but they are not very strict or demanding. They allow their children to make their own decisions and rarely use punishment. This parenting style is often seen as lenient, indulgent, or laissez-faire.

Characteristics of Permissive Parents

  • Avoid confrontation and try to be their child's friend instead of an authority figure
  • Want their child to be happy and avoid causing them any stress or discomfort
  • Often do not enforce rules or consequences

Effects on Children

  • Can lead to a sense of entitlement
  • Struggle with boundaries and following rules
  • Difficulty dealing with failure or disappointment
  • Lack self-discipline

Examples of Permissive Parenting

An example of permissive parenting is a parent who allows their child to stay up as late as they want, eat whatever they want, and skip school when they feel like it. Another example is a parent who does not enforce any rules or consequences when their child misbehaves.

While permissive parenting can create a warm and loving environment, it can also create children who struggle with self-control and decision-making. It is important for parents to find a balance between being nurturing and being authoritative in order to raise well-rounded and responsible children.

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