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The Psychology of Memory and Learning

Memory Techniques: Mind Mapping and Chunking

Memory Techniques

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a visual technique that is used to help organize ideas and concepts by creating a visual map of the information. This map is usually created around a central idea or concept, with subtopics branching out from there. The branches can then be further divided into sub-branches, creating a hierarchy of information. Mind maps are often used for brainstorming, note-taking, and studying for exams.


Chunking is another memory technique that is used to help organize information into smaller, more manageable groups. This technique is often used to remember long strings of information, like phone numbers or credit card numbers. Chunking involves breaking the information into smaller, more meaningful groups. For example, instead of remembering a 10-digit phone number as a single string of numbers, it can be remembered as three chunks, like (123) 456-7890. This technique can also be used to remember lists of items by grouping them into categories.

Both mind mapping and chunking are effective memory techniques because they help organize information in a way that is more easily remembered. By breaking information into smaller, more manageable groups or creating a visual map of the information, the brain is better able to process and retain the information. These techniques can be especially helpful for students who are studying for exams or for anyone who needs to remember large amounts of information.

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