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Python Programming with Jupyter and Anaconda

Installation and Setup of Jupyter and Anaconda

Installation and Setup of Jupyter and Anaconda

Jupyter and Anaconda are two popular tools for Python programming. Jupyter Notebook allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Anaconda is a Python distribution that includes essential libraries and tools for scientific computing and data science.

Installing Anaconda

To install Anaconda, go to the Anaconda website and download the appropriate version for your operating system. Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the instructions. During the installation process, you can choose to add Anaconda to your PATH environment variable, which makes it easier to use from the command line.

Installing Jupyter

Jupyter is included with Anaconda, so once you have installed Anaconda, you already have Jupyter installed. To start Jupyter, open a terminal or command prompt and type jupyter notebook. This will launch the Jupyter Notebook in your web browser.


In this lesson, you learned how to download and install Anaconda and Jupyter, two essential tools for Python programming. By following these steps, you can start using these tools to write and share Python code.

Further Reading

  • Anaconda Documentation

  • Jupyter Notebook Documentation

  • Python Installation Guide

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