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React Fundamentals

JSX Basics

JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript and is used in React to describe what the user interface should look like. It looks like HTML, but it is not. Instead, JSX is translated into JavaScript before it is executed in the browser.

When writing JSX, you use tags to create elements. Elements are the building blocks of React applications. You can use either HTML tags or React components that you have defined yourself by creating a function that returns JSX.

Here is an example of JSX:

const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

JSX expressions can also contain JavaScript expressions inside curly braces. Here is an example:

const name = 'John Doe';
const element = <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>;

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing JSX. First, JSX tags must always be closed, even if they don't have any content. Use the self-closing syntax for tags that don't have any children, like this: <img src='...' />. Second, JSX expressions must have only one root element. If you want to return multiple elements, wrap them in a single parent element.

To learn more about JSX, check out the official React documentation at



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