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How to Read Body Language

Recognizing Facial Expressions

Recognizing Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are an important aspect of body language. The face is capable of producing a wide range of expressions that can convey emotions and attitudes. These expressions can be subtle or overt, and they can communicate a lot of information about a person's inner state.

Facial Action Coding System

The study of facial expressions is called 'facial action coding system' (FACS). It is a system that categorizes the movements of the face into individual action units, or AUs. These AUs can be combined to create different expressions.

For example, when a person is happy, they might show a combination of AUs 6 and 12, which involve the raising of the cheeks and the corners of the mouth. When a person is sad, they might show AUs 1, 4, and 15, which involve lowering the inner eyebrows, pulling down the corners of the mouth, and raising the upper eyelids.

It is important to note that facial expressions are not universal. While some expressions are common across cultures, others are not. For example, in Western cultures, a smile is typically seen as a sign of happiness or friendliness. However, in some Asian cultures, a smile can also be used to express embarrassment or discomfort.

Recognizing Facial Expressions

To recognize facial expressions, it is important to pay attention to the movements of the face. Look for changes in the position of the eyebrows, eyes, mouth, and cheeks. Also, pay attention to the timing of these movements. Some expressions are brief, while others are sustained.


Facial expressions are an important aspect of body language. They can convey a lot of information about a person's inner state. To recognize facial expressions, it is important to pay attention to the movements of the face and the timing of these movements. FACS is a system that categorizes the movements of the face into individual action units, or AUs. These AUs can be combined to create different expressions.

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