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The Rise of Functional Fitness

History of Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Functional fitness is a relatively new concept in the realm of exercise and physical activity. Functional fitness programs first gained popularity in the early 2000s, though the concept has roots that date back much further. The history of functional fitness can be traced back to several different disciplines, including military training, physical therapy, and sports conditioning.


One of the earliest forms of functional fitness was known as calisthenics. Calisthenics is a form of exercise that uses body weight movements to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance. Calisthenics dates back to ancient Greece and was used extensively in military training.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists have also played an important role in the development of functional fitness. In the 19th century, physical therapy was primarily used to help patients recover from injuries or illnesses. Physical therapists began to incorporate exercises that mimicked real-life activities into their treatment plans, which eventually led to the development of functional fitness programs.

Sports Conditioning

Sports conditioning is another discipline that has contributed to the development of functional fitness. Sports coaches have long recognized the importance of training movements that are specific to the needs of their athletes. Functional fitness programs incorporate many of the same movements that are used in sports conditioning, making them an effective way to improve athletic performance.

Today, functional fitness programs have become increasingly popular among people of all ages and fitness levels. The rise of functional fitness can be attributed to the fact that these programs offer a more practical approach to fitness. By incorporating movements that mimic real-life activities, functional fitness programs help people improve their overall strength, mobility, and quality of life.

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