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The Rise of Functional Fitness

Incorporating Functional Movements into Workouts

Functional movements are those that mimic real-life activities and involve multiple muscle groups working together. Incorporating functional movements into your workouts can help improve overall strength and mobility.

Examples of Functional Movements

Here are some examples of functional movements that you can incorporate into your workout routine:

  1. Squats: Squats are a functional movement that mimics the motion of sitting down and standing up. They work the muscles in your legs, glutes, and core.
  2. Deadlifts: Deadlifts involve picking up a weight from the ground and standing up with it. This movement works the muscles in your legs, back, and core.
  3. Push-ups: Push-ups are a functional movement that mimics the motion of pushing yourself up off the ground. They work the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and core.
  4. Pull-ups: Pull-ups involve pulling yourself up to a bar. This movement works the muscles in your back, arms, and core.

When incorporating functional movements into your workouts, it's important to start with the basics and focus on proper form. Start with bodyweight movements and progress to using weights as you become more comfortable with the movements. You can also incorporate functional movements into your cardio workouts by doing exercises like burpees or mountain climbers.

By incorporating functional movements into your workouts, you can improve overall strength and mobility, and prepare your body for real-life activities.

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