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The Science of Learning

Learning Strategies

Learning strategies are methods that individuals use to enhance their learning outcomes.

Types of Learning Strategies

There are two main types of learning strategies: surface strategies and deep strategies.

  • Surface strategies focus on memorization and rote learning
  • Deep strategies focus on understanding and making connections between concepts.

Surface strategies can be useful for short-term memorization, but deep strategies lead to better long-term learning outcomes.

Examples of Learning Strategies

  • One example of a surface strategy is repetition. Repeating information over and over can help with memorization, but it does not necessarily lead to understanding.
  • On the other hand, a deep strategy like elaboration involves connecting new information to existing knowledge or making analogies to help with understanding.
  • Another important learning strategy is practice. Practice allows for repetition and application of new knowledge, which can help with retention and transfer.
  • However, it is important to note that not all practice is equal. Deliberate practice, which involves setting specific goals and focusing on areas of weakness, is more effective than mindless repetition.

Metacognitive Strategies

Finally, it is important to consider metacognitive strategies. These are strategies that involve monitoring one's own learning and adjusting strategies as needed. For example, self-testing can be an effective metacognitive strategy, as it provides feedback on areas that need more work.

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