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Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning

Sustaining Social and Emotional Learning Practices

Sustaining Social and Emotional Learning Practices

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is not a one-time event, but rather a lifelong process that requires sustained effort and attention. Once SEL practices are implemented, it is important to ensure that they are maintained and continually reinforced. Here are some strategies for sustaining SEL practices:

  1. Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to SEL. SEL practices should be integrated into daily routines and activities so that they become a natural part of the daily experience. This will help to reinforce the importance of SEL and make it a habit.

  2. Modeling: Adults play a critical role in modeling SEL skills for children and young people. By modeling positive behaviors such as empathy, active listening, and self-regulation, adults can help to reinforce SEL skills and ensure that they are sustained over time.

  3. Reinforcement: Reinforcement is essential for sustaining SEL practices. This can be done through positive feedback, recognition, and rewards. When individuals are recognized for their efforts and progress, they are more likely to continue to engage in SEL practices.

  4. Collaboration: Collaboration is key when it comes to sustaining SEL practices. By working together, educators, parents, and community members can reinforce SEL skills and provide ongoing support and resources.

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