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The Magic of Sous Vide Cooking

Cooking Meat with Sous Vide

Cooking Meat with Sous Vide

One of the most popular applications of sous vide cooking is cooking meat. The precise temperature control and long cooking times create meat that is evenly cooked all the way through, with perfect texture and juiciness.

Choosing the Right Cut of Meat

The first step in cooking meat with sous vide is to choose the right cut of meat. Tough cuts like brisket, short ribs, and chuck roast are great candidates for sous vide cooking, as the long cooking times will break down the connective tissue and make the meat tender. Leaner cuts like filet mignon or pork tenderloin can also be cooked sous vide, but care must be taken to not overcook them.

Seasoning and Bagging the Meat

Once you have chosen your cut of meat, season it with salt, pepper, and any other spices or herbs you prefer. Place the meat in a vacuum-sealed bag, making sure to remove as much air as possible. If you don't have a vacuum sealer, you can use the water displacement method to remove the air.

Cooking the Meat

Preheat your sous vide machine to the desired temperature. For beef, a temperature of 130°F to 140°F will give you a medium-rare to medium steak. For pork, a temperature of 145°F to 155°F is recommended. Cook the meat for the appropriate amount of time, which will depend on the thickness of the cut. As a general rule, you can cook meat at 1 hour per inch of thickness.

Finishing the Meat

Once the meat is cooked, remove it from the water bath and pat it dry. If you want to sear the meat, do so in a hot skillet or on a grill for a minute or two on each side, until a brown crust forms. Slice and serve.

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